Top 12 Highest Paying Courses To Study in University

Success is built on the foundation of Education. It’s one thing to have a passion or dream, it’s another for us to work towards it and also identify if the passion will be worth its pay, even in a competitive arena.

In this article, we will take a look at the 12 Highest Paying Courses to Study in the University, for the purpose of helping young ones out there to have a knowledge of the course they will be taking. 

Let’s dive into the world of professions.


 With a growing demand for skilled healthcare professionals, nursing offers a dynamic and rewarding career path. This is one of the courses that is getting more exposure, currently in Nigeria.

It is a branch of science that deals with the application of scientific knowledge to provide solutions and treatments to health problems, study human responses, etc. Before now, nursing was seen as a profession for only females. Today young male and females are venturing into it.

Graduates of nursing can have diverse job opportunities across various healthcare sectors; Staff nurse, public health nurse, healthcare consultant, public health advisors, medical writer, etc. They can work in hospitals, clinics, government agencies, academia, etc. Some academic qualifications are; Bachelor of science in Nursing(BSN) – 4 years 

Master of Science in Nursing(MSN)2-3 years.

Doctor of Nursing Practice(DNP)2-3 years.

Other certifications such as, CCRN, CNOR are optional but recommended for specialized areas.


Have you considered taking law as your discipline in the University? What’s holding you back? Are you thinking of its worth or pay?

Worry no more, as Law is one of the highest paying courses that pays in Nigeria. This course offers a wide range of lucrative career opportunities. There will always be disputes to settle, and their presence is indispensable. As a lawyer, you can work as Legal Consultants, Litigators, Legal Writers, In-house counsel, corporate lawyers, etc.

Some academic qualifications for Law are; Bachelor of Laws (LL.B)4-5 years undergraduate degree.

Master of Laws(LL.M)1-2 years.

Postgraduate degree specializing in a particular area of Law, e.g; Tax Law, International Law, etc.)

Bar Professional training course(BPTC) 1 year postgraduate course.


Computer Scientists and Engineers are one of the highly sought and active professionals in the world today, since the outbreak of the deadly Covid-19 virus.

While Computer Engineering is a course that deals with hardware, software, architecture and design of a computer system and its operation, while Computer Science in the other hand, deals more with computer systems and algorithms. 

Some academic qualifications require a Bsc in Computer Science, Cyber Security. Master of Science in computer science, MSCS, Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering(BSCE), Master of Science in Computer Engineering(MSCE)

Job opportunities in Computer Science and Engineering includes; Software Development, Software Engineer, Web developer, Data Analyst, Machine Learning Engineer, etc.


If you have the passion for drawing and bringing your art into reality, then this course is for you. 

Architecture deals with the design, planning and construction of buildings and structure, collaborating with the use of art, science and technology, to bring to reality the needs of people.

Architecture is studied by those who want to be Architects. They offer services such as, designing, conducting, site analysis, and planning of a building. 

An average architect can make about 1.5million per project. 


Medicine and Surgery is a highly lucrative course offering high income prestige and job security, with medical professionals earning up to 20 million annually. 

Job opportunities in this field includes, Radiologist, General Practitioners, Pediatrician, Neurosurgeon, ENT(ear, nose and throat) surgeon, health administrators, etc. Academic qualifications include; Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery, Master of Medicine(M.Med), Master of Surgery(M.Surg),etc.


Accounting is one of the critical professions that is in high demand by various organizations and companies. Accountability is very important in every business, anywhere, anytime. 

Graduates of accounting programs can work as accountants, auditors, financial analysts, chartered accountant, corporate accountant, academia researcher, etc. 

Accounting skills are indispensable in many industries.

Bachelor of Arts in Accounting (BA. accounting)

Master of Science in Accounting, Master of Business Administration(MBA. accounting.)


These three courses are some of the sub courses under engineering and are rated among the highest-paying jobs. 

It is also coupled with the fact that petroleum is the bedrock of Nigeria’s economy. Some petroleum companies are among the best paying companies in Nigeria.

Civil Engineering deals more on construction of building plan, structures, and materias for high and low building structures, while Electrical Engineering deals with circuit theory and looping of connections and instrumentation of electricity operated systems.

Job opportunities for these categories includes; Transportation Engineer, project manager, Surveyor, Telecommunications Engineers, offshore engineers, etc.


The presence of Mass Communication is indispensable. This course examines the process and principles of the Mass Media. 

It is essential to note that the nation cannot do without the mass media. It is the watchdog of the government, the people and the nation as a whole.

 Mass Media encompasses various fields such as; Journalism, broadcasting, advertising, digital media, etc. The course is considered high paying and lucrative for multiple reasons. E.g. – useful skills from the graduates, such as writing, critical thinking, storytelling, problem solving, which serves as valuable assets for various industries. 

Mass communication involves creativity, which is often rewarded with higher salaries and benefits.

Academic qualifications;

Bachelor’s degree in Mass Communication (BMC), Journalism (B.J), or related fields

    – Master’s degree in Mass Communication (MMC), Journalism (M.J), or related fields for advanced roles or specialization


This course is a rewarding and challenging course that equips students to address health issues and improve the quality of our daily living. 

As a very lucrative field. Professionals in this area are in high demand with salaries ranging from 5 million to 20 million annually.

Graduates of public health can offer health education and health policy development, environmental health services, providing expertise to organization and government, etc.

Bachelor’s degree in Public Health (BPH)


Let’s dive into knowing something juicy about Estate Management. Estate Management involves overseeing and administering real estate properties such as; residential, commercial or industrial buildings. 

As an estate manager, you ensure property maintenance, such as regular upkeeps, repairs and renovations to maintain property value, preparing, renewing and terminating leases. Estate managers help property owners maximize their investments, minimize stress and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.


Pharmacists are among the highest-paid healthcare professionals with median salaries ranging from 7 million to 20 million annually depending on experience, place of work or industry. 

Graduates in pharmacy can work as Clinical Pharmacists, hospital pharmacists, pharmacologists, government agency professionals, etc. 

They can work in healthcare systems, pharmaceutical industries, Government Agencies, like NAFDAC, FDA, etc.

Academic Qualifications;

    – Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm) or Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD)

    – Master’s degree in Pharmacy (M.Pharm) or Pharmaceutical Sciences


With the high rate of viruses, and diseases. The essence of  undertaking tests cannot be over emphasized. We need to check ourselves regularly to be sure of our health status. 

This is where the services of  those in the medical laboratories come in. This course equips students to conduct medical tests, analyze samoleusz and aid in disease diagnosis. 

Job opportunities abound in hospitals, research institutions and private laboratories.

Academic Qualification;

Bachelor’s degree in Medical Laboratory Science (BMLS)

Nigeria’s job market is evolving, and certain courses are paving the way for lucrative careers. Choose which one works best for you. In all, remember to choose a course that relates to your passion and skills. Work hard, stay focused and be determined. With these you will definitely scale through.

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