Sales Closing Technique: The Mindset Shift You Need For Closing Sales

Closing sales is about persuasion. How have you been able to persuade a client to buy your products?

How did you retain the client?

What is your main aim when it comes to closing sales?

This article will answer all these questions and many more.

Nothing is as persuasive as the truth. Whenever a client calls in for any of your services, it is very important to tell the truth. 

If you don’t know how to deliver a particular service he needs at the time frame, be sincere to say you can’t do it, instead of assuring the clients and disappointing them. 

Moving forward from truth a bit, trust comes in. When you disappoint a client once, the foundation of his first positive impression about you and your services begins to shake.

The mind is indispensable in nearly everything we do. It influences how we see things around us, the way we do things, others and the way we feel.

In closing sales, you need to have the right mindset, because if your mindset is the opposite of the positive things you should be thinking of, your chances of closing sales will be limited.

First things first

1. Pick your client’s call as if you want to give the client money:

I’m sure you are curious to know how and why. 

When you are convincing your client to buy your product or course, let them feel that when they get this product or pay for your course, they can monetize it. 

For instance, someone goes to learn a skill, it could be baking, sewing, public speaking, writing, etc. That person is learning the skill to have the knowledge of it and also make money from it at the end of the training.

Whenever you are trying to close a sale, portray to your client that you are bringing this to them because they can make money out of it. Don’t forget to pick up the call as if you want to give them money.

2. To solve a problem: 

Always have the frame of mind that you are calling to solve a problem. When you call someone to tell him or her about your services, don’t panic. Probably, you are scared that the person will not not buy, or you will be ignored, etc. It’s okay to have those thoughts, but don’t let it overshadow your mindset to solve a problem. Remember, your products were not meant for everybody. As you call, have it in your mind, you are calling to give them tools, strategies and solutions that can help them solve their business problems and also boost their income. 

In the cause of solving a problem, don’t underestimate the importance of understanding your customers needs and providing value always.

3. Aim for building long-term relationships: 

Don’t just sell, sell to retain clients and gain the trust of that client. Through one or two clients, you can get twenty more clients. 

This can only happen, when you have gained the trust of your already existing clients. By gaining their trust, you have already retained them, and they can refer you and your services to other people. 

Prioritize your relationship by delivering good services. By doing this, you will create a loyal customer who will drive future sales and growth.

4. Fear of Rejection: 

Don’t be afraid of a “no.” Never feel less of yourself or products when rejected.  Use rejection as an opportunity  to understand what didn’t work and improve. Look out for constructive feedback and improve. 

5. Statistical Storytelling:

Use numbers and statistics to tell compelling stories that resonate with your customers. 

Use charts , graphs to enable your client to understand complex data.  

Relevant points that showcase progress should be highlighted, such as improved efficiency or increased revenue. Don’t bore your clients with unnecessary data, focus on the most important points. 

When you feel you are going anywhere, don’t feel bad. Tell them, “I appreciate  your time, can I call you back in a few months when things change?”

The answer could be yes or no. “Have  a good day.”

It could be that the client does not have the resources at the moment. All you have to do is appreciate their time, give them the assurance to call you whenever they are ready. Never take it personal because they said no to you.

Whatever the case is, you are setting up for future calls.

Build a positive and growth mindset and you will close sales massively.

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